Faction Paradox Wiki
Faction Paradox Wiki

A stub is an article which is missing important information related to Faction Paradox, The City of the Saved, or any of the other stories directly related to those series. For example, Romana is not a stub because it lacks information on the 1978 Doctor Who serial The Stones of Blood; it is a stub because it lacks information on The Shadows of Avalon and The Ancestor Cell.

List of stub templates[]

This is a list of the types of stubs used on the Faction Paradox wiki.

Template Image Specifics List of this Type of Stub
{{Stub}} StubTab All pages which do not fall under any of the requirements for the below types of stubs use this template.
{{Character stub}} CharStub This type of stub is for pages which cover characters. Category:Character stubs
{{Group stub}} GroupStub This type of stub is for pages which cover an organisation, species, cult, or any other type of group. Category:Group stubs
{{Prose stub}} ProseStub This type of stub is for pages which cover novels and short stories. Category:Prose stubs
{{Location stub}} LocationStub This type of stub is for pages which cover locations. Category:Location stubs
{{Merchandise stub}} File:MerchandiseStub.png This type of stub is for pages which cover merchandise. Category:Merchandise stubs
{{Planet stub}} PlanetStub This type of stub is for pages which cover planets. Category:Planet stubs
{{Prose writer stub}} File:ProseWriterStub.png This type of stub is for pages which cover prose writers. Category:Prose writer stubs